Today, the 23rd of May, is exactly one year since the day that my peepul came and got me out of the shelter in Santa Maria California. Everybody else calls it Gotcha Day, but since I'm the one that was "Got", I call it GotMe Day. Hehe.
It has been a wonderful first year with my peepul. There have been fun times and times when I've been hollered at. All of the times have helped us to bond. I luv both my Mum and my Wresslin Buddy.
Let's recap some of the things that have happened this year, in no special order, some with illustrations, some without.
1. There was that one time that a skwerl ran by the back of the house and the glass part of the sliding door was open, but the screen part was there. I saw that skwerl and had to chase it, I busted through that screen like no body's business. I failed to get the skwerl and got in trouble for breaking the door.
2. I have been able to save the peepul from several moths that have entered the house. I knock them to the floor and lick all their fuzz off their backs so they can't fly, then I smack them around until they go ded. If it wasn't for me, those moths would have eaten Mum's sweaters.
3. I've been locked in the closet and the spare room several times, it gives me all kinds of time to explore those places and then when the peepul come home, they are scared that I'm gone, but then they find me and hug me and stuff.
4. I've learned that I LOOOOVE Meow Mix Market Selects stinky goodness. I see that little tub of food and I get all excited. Unless it is the chicken kind, I'm not a fan of the chicken kind. I luv luv luv Crab and Salmon flavor, and Tuna and Shrimp flavor.
5. My mum has let me pick the kind of food that I want to eat, by letting me having samples of different kinds until she sees the one that I gobble up. I am eating Innova Cat and Kitten dry food, it's tasty.
6. I want to become friends with the berd still, I try to get close to her, I even try to put my paw around her to cuddle, but all that happens is she screeches at me and Mum hollers at me. I'll keep trying.
7. I tried to go into marketing for the Zesta cracker company, by showing off thier box in a very fashionable way. Mum emailed them pictures, they weren't interested. I guess it's because I wasn't eating the crackers, only playing with the empty box, they should be happy to know that someone ate the crackers. They don't know a good way to sell these things when they see one.
8. I've helped Mum do the laundry and make the bed a bunch of times. She always tells me how helpful I am.
9. I've learned that I despise suitcases. When it comes out that means one of my beloved peepul is leaving me, sometimes they both go. It's awful.
10. Thankfully I got out of that phase where I enjoyed taking showers. That's not what cat's are supposed to do.
11. I met my 3rd best friend, my little buddy that I carry around and beat the beans out of: Ping
12. of course the best thing is that I got this blog and I've told you all about my adventures, and met many great blog friends. I have even got mail and prizes from some of you and that is the coolest thing.
13. My favorite place of all, in the whole wide world, is in my Mum's lap. Here is a shot of me in her lap last year around this time. See how small and kyoot I was...
Now look at me, she can barely fit all of my big manly catness on her lap, I got legs dangling all over the place...
Wow! Am I the first? Happy Gotcha Day. I have some ham here to help us celebrate!
Happy Gotcha Day, William! I am very glad you were gotted.
ps: I do not know why Zesta didn't jump at the once-in-a-lifetime marketing opportunity.
What a wonderful story. Your 'peepul' are lucky to have you and, yes, you are indeed 'kyoot'.
Happy Gotcha Day! Yup, yoo grew into a handsome mancat.
Happy Gotcha Day Willie and many, many, many mooooooore!!!
Your (finally drying out) FL furiends,
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