Monday, June 8, 2009

What a Mancat Morning

This is me looking cross about the morning I've just had.

I had to go to the V-E-T for my annual stabs. I was a very good boy about the whole thing, I even purred at the V-E-T office, while they weighed me, while they listened to my heart, pretty much through the whole thing, except when they pinned me down and stabbed me in each back leg haunch. That part I didn't enjoy, I made a little mrrrooo noise when they did the second one. I rode in the truck in the carrier, I'm not a big fan of riding, I meow and complain about it for most of the 5 minute ride. I did get to go to Mum's office for a few minutes and meet her friends there, that was kinda fun, except she didn't let me out of the carrier, I wish she could have...
Now I am home, Mum is going to give me some Meow Mix Tuna and Shrimp for lunch before she goes back to work, then I am going to sleep the rest of the day after all of this stress, I need to go make biscuits on the bloo blankie to relax.

I was told by the vet tech that I am a solid cat, that's right, solid Mancat! All 17 pounds of me, solid plus one flabby furchin...


Reese =^..^= said...

I'm so glad the visit at the V-E-T went so well!!!

Tuck said...

Uh, the V-E-T is no fun at all. My mom says I'm really good there except when they stick a thermometer up my you-know-where!

Motor Home Cats said...

Willie, we are sorry that you had to go to the V-E-T. We don't like it much there. We are glad you are healthy tho. We loved the video of you kneading on your blue blanket. We are so glad you like it so much.

Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie

PS - in case you didn't see, we are about 15 minutes closer to March and about 15 minutes further away from LA.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

It is totally right that ya should get some treats affer bein stabeed an poked by the V-E-T!

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