Monday, August 10, 2009

Shopping Spree!!

Lookit what I found! It came in the mail the other day, Mum was all excited because she got $70 from the Verizon people from the rebate for the new phones. She thinks she is going to go get her hair done, and a massage or some craziness. Don't tell her, but I am taking the card. I have a wish list.
I looked up buying my own fish hatchery on the innernets, can you imagine...fresh fish to eat everyday! UnfortunatelyI couldn't find any for less than $80,000, I don't think my card can buy that. I have decided to be more reasonable for my list. I think I want one of those cool Snoozepal hammocks:

I can buy the hammock and still have money left over. What else do I want to get on my shopping spree? I think I'll get some toys, some nip and some gormay stinky goodness. Do you guys think that this a good choice of things to buy with my monies? What would you buy?


Gemini and Ichiro said...

I like getting fish. I'd also get me a pig so I had all the ham I wanted...

Reese =^..^= said...

Oh, what a good idea! I'm going to watch in the mail to see if we get one.

Mouchois said...

Melvin and I would get him a nice set of stairs to the top of the bed so that he can get up there on his own! Hahaha

Daisy said...

I have my eye on that hammock, too! If you get it, be sure to let us know how you like it!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Definitely, take the card an use it fer yerself!

Ham, Bait fishies, Nip, whatever...

iLuvAnimals said...

petedge has cheap everything for cat and dogs

have u tried it????? they have REALLY good prices

Pellie / Penny said...

Hey there Phin, Feather and Furr gang,
It is I,Genghis Khat, come to visit with you for a little while. I came because I want to tell you guy how much your kind thoughts and comforting words ment to us.
Pellie was sick on Sunday and didn't start getting better till this morning so we were not on the computer for a couple of days. Imagine our surprise when we got went to our blog this morning and found so many wonderful comment from so many wonderful felines and their wonderful humans. Pellie was besides her self she cried so bad as she read them to me - I finally had to move her out of the way and read them for myself. they were good tears though so don't feel bad. She was so happy God sent us so many new friends - and i am happy about that too.
Well i have to keep moving if I'm going to make a dent in that long list of visitors today. I don't want anyone thinking we don't have good manners around here.
Once again - Thank You So Much for your kind thoughts and comforting words.
Pellie & Sir Knight

Everycat said...

Excellent choice Willie, that hammock looks so comfy. I would buy some fresh salmon fillets for me and some blankets and fuuds for homeless cats and kittens.

Whicky Wuudler

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