Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Veterinary matters

Any guesses where I had to go a few weeks ago based on this picture?  

Yep, you guessed it.  The V-E-T, more specifically to see Dr. Hudson.  I thought he was an alright dood until he started poking and prodding me.  You all can imagine all of the things that he did to me, I was very violated and that offended me greatly.  Next time buddy, if you need some poo, just ask, don't go forcefully take it!  Actually, they told Mum, next time we need poo, just bring some with you.  So Mum has to bring my poo in a baggie next year when we go for my vaccines, hahahahaha, jokes on you now Mum!

In case you are wondering, I'm a healthy beast, no foreign thingies in my poo.


Sparkle said...

OMC, they STOLE your poo?! That is beyond... just beyond! Eeek.

Fuzzy Tales said...

Our mom brought Nicki's poop in once, just to check for parasites (nothing). She had to take it on the bus, though. Hahaha.

Secret Paws 2023- a delayed review

 Hi furrends!! Buckwheat here for our annual Secret Paws thank you blog post.  This year we traded gifts with BJ Bangs and crew. Thanks to t...