Friday, November 16, 2012

Observation post

Oh what a nice picture of my backyard.  How I do love it so.  Click to biggify and see if you can see who is out there...

Oh!  There he is!

This is my favorite fall observation spot.  From here I am in range of the skwerls and birds that come to get the acorns that the tree drops. I always make sure the skwerls jump back over the fence when I come out, then I defend the yard from them until I go back in. The tree has been falling apart lately, all of its leaves are on the ground, when they pile up next to the fence they make a nice bed for me to lay in.


Sparkle said...

Wow, that is a nice yard! I bet you get lots of quality viewing time there!

The Furries of Whisppy said...

How we would love to play at your yard. It's beautiful!

Timmy Tomcat said...

Hoo Cat what a fun yard!
We are insiders but Pops says that some day we may have a big fenced in yard too!
PS is Anonymouz a robot! Bad Robot! Bad Spam! HISSSSSS!
Timmy T

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