Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Storm update

Hi everybuddies! We are in South Catolina where this stoopid storm called Matthew visited several days ago. Our area had many winds that made many trees be scared.  The scared trees tried to pull up thier roots so they could run away and hide. Until they all realized, "oh noes! We don't know how to run" then they all fell down.  If trees lived out in the open, this would have been ok. As we all know, trees back in the day, all decided to take up residence next to each other, next to houses, and next to power lines. So these scared trees, who all fell down, fell on those very things. We were in the dark for about 30 hours, but other people near here still are in the dark. I feel awful for them, all of their food is ruined and they have nothing to do.  We got lucky. 
However, my lap lady has a job where she puts on a blue uniform everyday. This means she has been working every night since Friday. She is going back in again tonight to help protect those who still are in the dark. Fortunately, she is spending time with me in the comfy chair for awhile before she has to get ready. For this, I am very happy.


Angel Prancer Pie said...

We are very sorry to hear about those unlucky people. Sending out lots of purrs to them.
Is that your hurricane preparedness position? We think it looks like fun!

The Island Cats said...

We're glad you're okay, Buckwheat, but we're sorry about the people who lost all their food and stuff.

Summer at sparklecat.com said...

It sounds like your human has her work cut out for her!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

oh those poor people! My dear friend is in NC and got hit big time! catchatwithcarenandcody

da tabbies o trout towne said...

dood...sorree ta lurn yur mom iz werkin a crazed schedule tho we iz buzzed happee ewe did knot haz any storm damage; we send purrayerz two all thoz who did......it waz vizshuz down yur way ~~~~~~ ♥♥♥♥♥

meowmeowmans said...

Buckwheat, we are relieved that you are okay! But it makes us sad and worried to know that some people's places and foods got ruined like that.

Secret Paws 2023- a delayed review

 Hi furrends!! Buckwheat here for our annual Secret Paws thank you blog post.  This year we traded gifts with BJ Bangs and crew. Thanks to t...