Wednesday, February 28, 2018

A Book Review

I have never done a book review, because, well, I'm a cat and I cannot read.  However, I do like picture books, especially with pictures of birds.  I look out the back window all day and watch the birds at the bird feeder, so I guess LL thought that I needed more bird education, that must be why she asked Chewy to send us a book for our February Chewy Influencer promotion. 

 I present: The Sibley Guide to Birds, 2nd Edition by David Allen Sibley

 This is a full size book, measuring in at 9.5x6x1...inches.  It is beautifully illustrated, we loved the paintings of all of the birds.  It's great how the author did multiple paintings for each type of bird to show the many wing positions that you might see when they are flying and also how the feathers look at different life phases. The descriptions of each breed of bird are very descriptive and easy to understand.  He includes a map at the bottom of the page that shows where the birds live, however it would be nice if the birds were categorized based on regions so it might be easier to find one if you were wanting to know what kind of bird you had in your yard. However, the birds are listed by their groups, such as Eagles, Grouse, Owls, Warblers, even Wading Birds, etc. So, if you have an idea of what type of bird it is, you can find that group in the index and locate them that way. 

We are very impressed with this book, and we have seen many bird books. This one is very nice, the quality is excellent with heavy paper and secure bindings, lovely pictures and we liked the descriptions. He does a great job of sounding out and writing words for the bird songs and calls, about the Common Loon, Sibley writes, "Voice: Low, melancholy yodeling or wailing cries"  This is very accurate LL says, she grew up on a lake in Maine where they had many melancholy loons. 

If you are in the market for a bird book, The Sibley Guide to Bird second Edition is Buckwheat approved and recommended.

Here is a page on Red Shouldered Hawks.

Did you know that we were sent this full size, amazing book at no charge, for just being a Chewy Influencer and sharing our opinions in return, how great of a program is that?  Pretty great I say.


Just Ducky said...

Nice, mum has several bird books to figure out the feathers that come to the feeders. Have fun watching bird TV.

Summer at said...

That is very cool! Sadly, we don't see that many kinds of birds around here, so there is not much for us to ID.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

my grandpa had an amazing bird book { dont let the tabbies know I wrote that }
and when I was young, he and I would try and identify birds we saw out and about....enjoy; the book looks awesome !! ☺♥

World of Animals, Inc said...

Thanks for posting. I need to pick up this book. The picture that you posted is beautifully illustrated. It's a great way to see what different kinds of birds are in our backyard or over the world. Have a great day.
World of Animals

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