Wednesday, April 25, 2018


No I'm not talking about the ham like stuff that comes in can, but email SPAM. 
I'm sure glad that my Gmail pays attention to what is legit and what is fake.  I just opened my SPAM folder and found all kinds of nonsense.  This was mainly because in my main mail folder there was a Phishing letter, telling me that I had to send two different kinds of Visa and AmEx gift cards to some unknown entity telling me that they were garnishing my wages for many hundreds of dollars that I owed to a debt.  Last I checked, I don't get paid for my services of being a lovable, soft furry creatures. Although the peeps wished that I brought in some sort of money, MOL! Additionally, I have not made any large dollar amount purchases that I owe money for. We marked it as a scam, and it vanished, otherwise I'd let you see that too.  However they are addressed to Angel Kitty William, who was a credit card thief in his past life, so who knows, maybe it's real...


Summer at said...

I think spammers find everyone's email eventually! It took a while, but they did find mine... fortunately, I don't get spam very often.

The Island Cats said...

We get all sorts of that spammy stuff. We just ignore it.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

dood....ya canna bee two care full in thiz day N age.....we getted a call sayin we had ta go bee for de magistrate coz we waz bee in sued......we thinked...oh grate...we get ta go down town !!!!!!! ..but then we rememburred de hole "get in de car thing ~~~~~~ bummer :( ♥♥☺☺

Secret Paws 2023- a delayed review

 Hi furrends!! Buckwheat here for our annual Secret Paws thank you blog post.  This year we traded gifts with BJ Bangs and crew. Thanks to t...