Friday, May 14, 2010

New house

The latest developments...
I got scooped up into the PTU yesterday and taken in the car to a new place. All of my stuff was there!! I was happy to see the couch, and the chair, the TV, my climbing tower, the tables, and most importantly the bed. They were taken and put into a new building that smells all weird and stuff. I have carefully been sneaking around checking out all of the new surroundings, the coolest new thing is the floor. It's not hard like the floor at my other house, it's furry! It's pretty comfy to sit, run, lay and jump around on. I guess the innernet doesn't work there yet, so I sent my mum with this post to the old house to type it up for me.
We'll get pictures of it up soon, but right now it's a big messy box filled house, which is fun for me cause I love boxes.

Note from Mum: We have moved into a new house on base, and by new I mean brand spankin new. The old houses here on Vandenberg are getting torn down with the new ones getting built up. Hope to have internet at the new house soon, but the phone lines are not functioning yet...grrr.

1 comment:

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Well I hope you all settle in well!

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